Lawyering At The Edge Of Civilization

George to some, Hasselback to most and Hass to those that know me best. I'm following the path of the setting sun and moving west, steadily. Keep in mind, this blog is intended for my friends and family who are familiar with my skewed sense of humor. If you're a stranger and don't like what you read and/or see, keep it to yourself because frankly, I believe in saying what you think and there's nothing you can do about it. To those of you with a sense of humor, enjoy and email me anytime.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

A cold, drizzly day in the land of wa.

Ok gang, I have a few things to show you today.

First off, I just want to assure everyone that Tokyo has more to it than urban sprawl. Well, not that there's not a lot of sprawl, it's just that sometimes this city is just plain beautiful.

Here's a shot down the little river that's about fifty meters from my front door.

Everyone tilt your head to the right, as I forgot to adjust this and am too lazy to re-post it.

... Posted by Hello

I must say, the winter weather here is much nicer than the midwest. It does get cold, but the sky is damn near always like this. It'll improve one's mood, I'm here to tell you.

Speaking of weather...I got the question about snow from someone. Nope, sorry. All of those cool, snow-covered temples are up in Kyoto (the anagram lover's Tokyo). We got about an inch and a half of sludge the other day and everyone panicked. I actually saw a truck with tire chains on for it.

Next on the block, a picture that proves that someone could make a killing proof-reading for Japanese ad campaigns. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture.

Hmmm, where have I heard this model designation before... Posted by Hello

Kind of an interesting marketing gimmick, huh?

Now seeing as I attended a party thrown by a friend of mine at the Australian embassy, that had a Tex/Mex theme, and I was the token American, I really didn't experience a "Japanese" New-Years celebration. All I can say is that these things started popping up everywhere around New-Year's Eve. I think there's a connection. The truth is out there...

It's the little thing hanging on the door, with the orange.

Ok, just because everyone is dying to hear about them, I've included a pic of a Pachinko parlor. If you haven't heard it's the biggest thing since sliced bread here. All of the salary-men frequent these places quite a bit. I've been told that it's a cross between slot machines and ski-ball, but hell, I haven't been inside yet.

Anyway, this one is in Shinjuku, where I go to pay me rent.

Vive` Shinjuku!!! Sorry, it's the closest we've got to Vegas 'round here.

Well, that's about all for today. Now for a gratuitous picture of my cat. My sister has custody of him right now. The one, the only, the Udder...

Ain't he cute.

Take care everyone, and remember to email me with questions/suggestions/things you want to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

George! It is so nice to hear about your trip. It sounds like it is the adventure of a lifetime and I hope you are loving every minute of it! When are you due to come back home? Drop me an email if you get a chance (

Take care and keep take adventurous risks,

10:23 PM  
Blogger Micah said...

Udder's a damn cool cat.

Did you use my Tex Mex mix CD at the party? I sequenced it to kick much ass.

And the question everyone wants answered: did you get the happy ending?

2:23 AM  
Blogger spydrz said...

We need pics from inside a Pachinko parlor.

3:36 AM  

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